Monday, June 27, 2011

Yes, I referred to him as an a-hole

  As everyone knows I call my youngest baby Noah "The Beast".  Often at times I refer to him as being an a-hole simply because that is what he is.   People tend to get completely bent out of shape over this.   Yes, I understand why but until you have spent a day with him and seen him at his finest or lived in my shoes, don't judge me.   
  Noah aka The Beast aka A-hole is not an easy child.  He is very difficult.   Some people may be super mom or the perfect mom and deal with him and just smile and laugh but I cannot.   I don't enjoy taking him places, don't enjoy being stuck at home with him and I really don't enjoy being high strung and on edge all of the time.   Trust me, it's not fun and no way to live your life. 
  Yesterday is a prime example of how stressful it is to be with The Beast.   My husband went out of town for work so it's just me and the three kids (ages 7, 4 and 17 months).  I took them to the outlet mall to look for flip flops followed by a trip to Burger King so they could play at the playland.   Well, the BK didn't have doors on the playland so I spent the entire time trying to keep the Beast in the playroom or chasing him around the restaurant.   Why he must run all over the place when there is a huge room with things for him to climb I will never understand, but that is the Beast. 
 After his nap, I decided that since there was nothing on tv to take the three kids to Blockbuster and then out for ice cream.   After exactly 7 minutes of intense screaming because he hates to be confined in his carseat, we got to Blockbuster and I told them to each pick out a movie.  While I was browsing the aisles for a movie for myself, I was holding The Beast in my arms, on my hip.  Well, he wanted down and wanted to get out my arms in the worst way.  He started pushing away from me, wriggling his body and doing everything he could to get down.  When I refused to put him down he starts hitting me and batting at me with his small little fists.   He finally found that flab on the underside of the back of my arm, grabbed it and pinched really hard.  You know that spot that just brings you to your knees and to tears because it hurts so badly?   Well I dropped the little Beast on the floor just like he wanted.  It took him exactly a half a second to get up and start running and grabbing movies and throwing them all over the place.   As I lean down to pick the movies up and fix them, he runs to the candy aisle and starts doing it with that.   By then, I am arguing with my eldest about her choice in getting a scary movie.  I was near tears because I was so frustrated and so incredibly embarrassed.  I told my daughter to just get the movie, grabbed the Beast and got out of there as fast as I could.  He of course, screamed bloody murder the whole time I was trying to check out.   I felt so bad for the check out girl, she was looking at me (I was just about to start sobbing) and trying to go as fast as she could to get me out of there. 
  That is just 15 minutes of my day, a day that is filled with situations like that.  If I am not out and about, he is at home following me around whining and crying all day long.  If I don't pick him up on command or sit and pay attention to him every second, he is hitting me or pinching me.   His newest trick is he stands behind me while I'm cooking and purposely makes it so I trip on him and knock him over.    Because then, of course I will pick him up.   
  So, when you add all of this on top of the other stuff and the fact that I haven't had a good night's sleep in almost 18 months now, you too would probably not be sitting there calling him your cute little snuggle bunny.  

Are people purposely hurtful?

  I don't understand it.   Are people purposely hurtful to make themselves feel better?   It is so frustrating to me.   As a parent, that is where the most hurtful things come from, other parents.   

  The one subject that really has the issues is this whole "Attached Parenting" topic.   Yes, I understand that you want to be labeled "perfect mom" so you hide underneath the label of being an attached parent.  That certainly doesn't make the rest of us bad parents.   I have been a mom for almost 8 years and I find that most of the time, those who label themselves as an attached parent are the most hurtful.  I could say a lot of mean and nasty things but I'd like to think that I am above that.   I am not saying those people are bad parents.  It's great that you can rush to your child's side every time they whimper and cry and carry them around all day long but I can't and I don't.   Nor do I want to.  That does not make me any less of a parent than them.  

  I have three children, not one.  It is next to impossible to rush to the side of three children everytime they whimper and cry along with taking care of everything that needs to be done and myself.   I also have a very high needs child who dominates my time.   He already cries all day long, if I ran to his side and tried to comfort him everytime he cried, that's all I would be doing all day and all night.  I'm sorry but how is that teaching him anything other than if you cry long enough, you will get exactly what you want?  

Monday, June 20, 2011

Bad Mom

You know those movies, Bad Santa and Bad Teacher?   Well, I think that there should be a movie called Bad Mom and I should have the starring role.   Today was not what I would call a good "mom" day.   The Beast was just going strong all day long and it is exhausting.   Plus, I did something this week to my hip and it hurts so bad so I am on edge anyway.  

Some days I feel like I yell more than I don't.   We had an early day today because his Early Intervention teacher was due to be here at 9am.    He and I woke up at 7:30 and I got into the shower.  I had to take him into the bathroom with me because he absolutely cannot be left alone anywhere, including his crib because it's in his brother's room and he would have woke him up.   Waking Jackson up when he isn't ready is just a bad idea for everyone.   So, I brought him into the bathroom with me while I took the fastest shower ever.    In the few minutes it took for me to wash up, he took all the toothpaste out of the drawer and threw it in the shower with me, took all the hairbrushes out and was trying to throw them in the toilet (so I am soaking wet hanging out of the shower while covered in soap trying to stop him), dumped out the garbage and rearranged everything in the lower cabinet.   Seriously, that took about 10 minutes.  

About two minutes before his teacher got here, he took his pacifier and stuck it in his mouth and clamped down.    Usually not a big deal but his teacher is doubling as his speech therapist at the moment so when you are trying to teach an infant to speak, not such a great idea for him to have a pacifier in his mouth.   If I tried to take it out, he had a full blown melt down and wouldn't cooporate at all so we let him have it.   Of course, the second she left, he spit it out and was done.  Although he occassionally shows his true colors while his teacher is here, it's never to the extent that it normally is.   We were going thru normal activities and how he acts and he just wasn't cooperating at all so it was hard to accomplish anything.   The second she walked out the door, he turned on full Beast mode and started crying and whimpering and clinging.   He was so crabby for about an hour until I finally just put him down for a nap.  

While the Beast napped, the older two and I tore apart the toy room to sort things and figure out what we are going to keep and get rid of.   Doing this with a four year old is so hard.   He refuses to clean, doesn't understand how to organize and just wants to keep everything and play.   As soon as the Beast got up, we had to run some errands and that is always a joy, especially with three kids.  

The day just kept on getting better, we had a power outage for almost two hours and then when my husband went outside to do some yardwork the Beast was just raging.   He walked around the house and just slammed toys around, turned them over, got into every cupboard that didn't have a lock on them and getting into everything.  At one point he grabbed my cell phone and when I went to take it away from him, the threw it across the room slamming it into another wall.   I layed him down for a diaper change and to put his pajamas on and he peed all over me as soon as his diaper came off.   I had enough and put him to bed.  By then, the older two were fighting so I seperated them and just as I sat down (my hip was killing me), Jackson wanted his bedtime snack.   

All I could think was "My god, my kids are so annoying".   I have to remember that they are young and need me to help them and aren't able to do things for themselves.   I just wish they understood that sometimes mommy needs a break too.    I need to regroup because Trevor is leaving for Colorado for work on Sunday and I need to be a "good mom" by then or we are all doomed.

Why Are You So Rude?

  I was reading something that a friend posted on Facebook today about a comment that a complete stranger made to her at a store about how many children she had.    That got me thinking about all the rude comments that I have received in my last few years, especially as a mother and wonder how are you supposed to respond to those?    I was always taught to "respect my elders" and "treat others how you want to be treated" but man, sometimes it is really hard.   
  When we first moved to the most horrible place on earth when Olivia was 5 weeks old, I was in JCPenney returning some curtains when this woman started chatting with me.  I was so excited to have someone other than the baby to talk to since I was new in town, I eagerly returned the conversation.    She was telling me how adorable my baby was and since she was my first I was eating it right up.   Then, just as she snagged me into the conversation and had me excited she asked me "So, do you breastfeed?".   Um, ok, first of all, that is a very personal thing and two, what the h*ll business is it of yours is what I was thinking in my head.  I was just kind of dumbfounded so I meekly answered "No".   She then, looked me right in the eye and said (no joke) "My, isn't that selfish of you".   I seriously grabbed my curtains, put them in the stroller and marched out with my baby, went home and cried.   I couldn't believe that someone had the nerve to say that me.    What if I had  tried my hardest and couldn't do it?   I didn't but that was just not any concern of hers.   I was so upset that when my husband got home from work, I demanded that he quit his job and we move back to Michigan.    He thought I was over reacting of course but I honestly think that one comment has a lot to do with my fear of breastfeeding.

  Another time when Olivia was just a baby, I took her grocery shopping which was a nightmare because she hated to be in the infant carrier.  She screamed the entire time.   I had two rude things happen while I was in the grocery store, first of all, I had this younger guy come up to me and tell me that my baby was crying.  WTF?  Really?  I wasn't aware that the loud, piercing scream was in fact coming from my baby right in front of me, why thank you.   I kindly said that I knew she was crying and that she doesn't like the carrier.   He then followed me around and told me that I should maybe feed her, change her diaper or pick her up.   I couldn't get away from him fast enough....I don't think he even had children.    Then, about five minutes later when I was almost done shopping, I was reaching for some milk and an elderly lady comes up to me, taps me on the arm and tells me "I don't think he's very happy".   No kidding.   One, it's a SHE and I am aware that she is unhappy.    I couldn't wait to finish my grocery shopping and head home.  

  That brings me to another one.   I got this one all of the time.   Whenever I would bring Olivia out, I would dress her in pink from head to toe and have her covered in pink blankets.   It never failed, about ten people would come up to me and tell me how beautiful my baby boy was.   So, then I got her ears pierced at 6 months old because I figured with earrings you would have to know she was a girl.  Then, I got comments about how you shouldn't pierce a baby's ears, you should let them decide later on in life, etc.    I can't win.
  So, tell me about some of the rude comments you've gotten.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Where is the month going?

Do you ever have times that just fly by like crazy?  I feel like that is what is happening with this month.   Last I knew, it was still May.    So much has happened in the last couple of weeks.    I haven't blogged because I don't have anything too exciting to talk about.   In fact, the Beast has been about the same but hasn't done anything too crazy lately (knock on  wood).

House Hunt Update:
  After looking at around 60 houses and making an offer on two, we got one.   We close on the 30th and couldn't be more excited.   It is a perfect compromise between the two of us in Lindstrom, Minnesota.  The house is located in a neighborhood of about 10 houses and on 3 acres of land with the openness that I want and the trees that my husband wants.   It's a three level split with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a fully finished basment.   The best part is, it's move in ready and we wouldn't have to do anything to it to move in but I will probably paint a few rooms to make it us.    The strangest thing happened though after our offer was accepted on this house.   Both the other two houses, the one on 7 acres that my husband wanted and the one we made the offer on and lost out on came back on the market because their sales fell through.   We are strong believers in fate and obviously that was a sign that we weren't supposed to have either one.    Anyway, here is our new house:

Update on Jackson
  A week and a half ago, Jackson was on his little 50cc motorcycle and he crashed and got burnt.   It wasn't pretty but not horrible either.  In fact, I couldn't even tell you what really happened since nobody will tell me the truth.   (Annoying).   My husband brought him to the ER because he wouldn't let us look at the burns and they gave us this amazing medicine to put on it and wrapped up his hand and wrist area.   I'm so sad to see him hurt but I think that having his hand wrapped is doing something to him, he seems so proud of his bandage and has been a lot more outgoing, I think it's making him brave.   Anyway, the burns are healing nicely and we are keeping it wrapped for awhile under the skin underneath the burns  heals properly.   He gets so dirty playing outside that we are worried about dirt getting in and it getting infected.  Thanks to all of you who were thinking about him, it means a lot to  us.  It's so hard to be a mom when your little guy gets hurt.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Bachelorette...Episode 3?

I had to blog about this week’s episode of The Bachelorette because I had way too much to say about it to keep quiet. Besides, when do I ever keep quiet about anything right?

First of all, I cannot decide if I even like Ashley. I love that she isn’t drop dead gorgeous and is more of an “everyday” kind of girl but her self esteem issue drives me crazy. Also, the fact that she says how she is certain she’s going to walk away with her husband from this group makes me thing that she is certainly not going to. Oh I’m sure she’s engaged and will be happy with the guy of her choice for about 10 minutes just to try and prove a point. Maybe I’m wrong. But, these guys are something else…..

That brings me to date number one. But, let me just put a little side note in here. I find it hilarious how every time Chris H comes in to talk about the “date boxes” they show clips of the guys either sighing or swallowing like it’s a matter of life or death. So, date number one went to Ben. I don’t even know what to say because I don’t know too many guys who would be excited to take part in a flash mob. My husband would rather gnaw off his right arm than dance in public to a hip hop line dance with 100 other people. He was just gushing and gushing about how cool that was, come on, be real. Then, when they were having dinner and he was going on and on about how he wants to find romance like no other and live in a bubble I wanted to throw up. Seriously, I think I did a little. Talk about coming on a little too strong. He is either gay or one of those guys who lays it on thick in the beginning to snag you in and then becomes a total douche bag once he’s got you.

Speaking of douche bags….Bentley. I know America supposedly hates him but I absolutely love and adore him. I’m not stupid like Ashley and falling for his amazing charm, no he isn’t sweeping me off of my feet but I love how real he is. Finally, a bachelor who goes on the show and isn’t afraid to say that he isn’t attracted to her and that he was hoping it was someone else. You can’t tell me that 100 other guys/girls weren’t thinking it. Remember season one? Who the hell was attracted to Alex or whatever his name was….certainly not Trista like she pretended to be. I love how he is proving that the world is not made up of sunshine and rainbows and how this show puts you in a fairytale. Someone came right out and warned Ashley that he wasn’t there for the right reasons and she still fell head over heels in love with him and was devastated that he left. I am going to miss him, he made it more enjoyable to watch because let’s face it, this season is kind of dull. The only thing that would have made it better for me is if he was doing that to Emily who don’t even get me started on…..

Let’s talk about Jeff, the masked man. Yes, I see his point and it’s great and all but honestly, if you can’t stand to look at someone, I don’t care how nice they are, you aren’t going to pick them. He’s not a bad looking guy, I think he would have done better if he didn’t do that whole creepy mask thing. Besides, it’s not like you couldn’t tell exactly what he looked like underneath it. Were you surprised when he took it off? I wasn’t. Poor Ashley though, what pressure. To have him take off the mask and wait for a response for her….when she said he looked older in her interview, ouch.

Now let’s talk about the roast. Oh my freaking gosh, what on earth was Ashley thinking? She’s got self esteem issues and she brings her “dates” to a place where she wants them to insult her. I hate those kind of women, because you have to walk on eggshells around them. That was just stupid. Then, she gets upset when they do what she wants….please, she had no right to get upset. That just pissed me off, I can’t even tell you. The whole idea was stupid. But, way to go to the guys who stepped up and insulted her, they had balls and I like that.

JP’s date bored me to death. They are perfect for each other, they are both boring. I don’t even really have anything to say about that date other than if that didn’t send him running to the hills then nothing will. That date was a nightmare……I want to know where ABC came up with these "men" for Ashley.  I honestly think they are playing a cruel joke on her. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I suck

So being the mother to a beast really takes it's toll on not only me but my other children as well.   As most of you know, we've been in Michiagn for a long weekend.  Trevor's nephew graduated from high school on Sunday so we came back late last night. 

On another note, we made the 6 hour drive and when we hit about 10 miles north of our house, we stopped for milk only to notice that my van was leaking transmission fluid everywhere.   So, I am stuck without a vehicle since I can't drive a stick, which Trevor has.  

This morning as I was frantically cleaning out Olivia's backpack so she could go outside to wait for the bus, I came across a paper saying it was "Spirit Week" at school.    Each day they are doing something different.    So, I looked and saw that Monday was "Hawaiian Day".  I hurried up and made Olivia a Haiwaiian outfit in five minutes and sent her out the door.   Halfway thru today I remembered that today is not Monday but Tuesday.   She is going to be pissed, I sent her dressed wrong today.   I suck, I am the worst mother ever but my mind is so distracted with everything going on.   I dread her coming home from school tonight because she is going to rip me a new one and frankly, I deserve it.  

Tomorrow is "Yellow" Day so I am going to run to Target tonight to get her a brand new yellow shirt to not only make it up to her but so she is dressed properly.   She owns nothing yellow because up until today she hated the color.