Wednesday, January 18, 2012

2 Year Wellness Check with The Doctor

This afternoon I took The Beast to the doctor for his 2 year wellness check.   We weren't able to get his shots today because it turns out he still has a fever but his ears were cleared up and his congestion from the bronchitis sounds better.  

Anyway, he weighed in at 27 pounds even which is the 36th percentile, was 35.3 inches tall which is in the 72nd percentile and his head circumference was 19.1 inches which was in the 44th percentile.   Overall, his growth is good.

We spoke about his milestones and he is still behind on a few things but nothing too crazy.   The fact that he qualified for both occupational and speech therapy through Early Intervention finally made the doctor take some of my concerns seriously.  On one hand I am greatful that he is taking them seriously after over a year but on the other hand, it annoys me that my concerns had to be verfied by others before he took them seriously.   He did say that it is highly unlikely that The Beast would have any form of autism because he is 1. too social and 2. his speech is too good but the Sensory Processing Disorder is a possibility.  He has referred us to a psychologist closer to Minneapolis to take him to for a formal evalution.  He said that without an "official" diagnosis, insurance won't cover anything.  To be honest, I am really torn on whether to make an appointment or not.   I hate to "label" him but if something is up, isn't it best to figure it out? 

Next, we spoke about his skin breaking out all of the time.   We did an allergy test via bloodwork a year ago and suggested we repeat it in case something shows up.   I took The Beast down to the lab for bloodwork and was nervous the entire time.  I knew this wasn't going to go well.  Normally, just for shots it takes three of us to hold him down since he seems to get some super human strength when he's upset.   When we checked in at the desk I told them that we would probably need some extra help so we waited until there was nobody left and went back.   I sat down on the chair and put The Beast on my lap and they started the process.   I was expecting the worst and a total meltdown but what I got was the polar opposite.   He sat there and as the needle was going in, he gave the tech a dirty look but then looked at me with a look that implied "I refuse to give you the satisfaction to shed a tear".   Sigh.  Once again he made me look like a complete over reacting liar and sat there perfectly still the entire time, even when they had to repoke him to find a vein.  



  1. Those toddlers can be real stinkers. I know mine gives me a run for my money every time. Glad to hear that he's doing well. Follow your instincts about whether or not to take him to the psychologist. Trying to navigate through all the country's insurance changes is crazy, and I totally understand what you are saying about the labeling.

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