Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I am NOT that Mom

So today I was talking to a group of women about the situation a situation with Olivia and that got me on the topic of the Beast.   After much consideration, I decided to call Early Intervention last week and talk to them a little about the fact that he is not speaking.   Well, he speaks, we just aren't sure what language.   Anyway, I was telling them how after talking to Early Intervention, we mutually agreed to have them come out tomorrow for a meeting with Noah.   There was a woman at the table next to mine who instantly blurted out the fact that her child didn't speak until he was three.   So what?   That is great and all but what does that have to do with me and my child?   I tried to defend my decision like any mother would do and all she kept saying was "My child (insert name) didn't talk until he was three"....blah, blah, blah.   She then proceeded to tell me that I was "That Mother".   Really?   Just because I am calling in a professional to come and do a free evaluation on my child to make sure that he is developing properly, I am THAT mother?   What the heck is "That" mother anyway?  I am his mother, he was 7 weeks premature, the dr said that he should be saying at least three understandable words at his age and he isn't even saying one.   That makes me "THAT" mother?   Because I care about my child instead of just letting him go without talking when maybe he needs a little bit of help, that makes me overbearing and controling?   (Because you know that's what she means when she says "That" mother)   Maybe I am jumping the gun or over reacting just a little and I brought that up to EI on the phone because I was concerned that I would  be wasting their time.    The evaluator told me that there were a few things that I had said that had her feel that she should come out to see Noah.  

I just don't understand people, especially other mothers.   Why is it so hard to support each other without judgement?   I guess if caring about  my child makes me "THAT" mother, so be it.  

1 comment:

  1. so glad your blog is available from FB again... I appreciate your blunt honesty
