Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Update on The Beast

The Beast is now 22 months old.   He is still a beast.  In fact, I would like to add a few more words to decribe him and his behavior but I'm sure that I would be reported for child abuse by some idiot out there who can't begin to understand what we go through with this child.   It is always something. 

Yesterday I was in a hurry, I was running late for a meeting and I still had to stop and buy some stuff before I went.   I ran upstairs for one minute to pick out clothes for Jack and The Beast and when I came down I saw a mess in my kitchen.   In the one minute it took me upstairs, the Beast had gotten into the fridge, taken out the carton of eggs and decided to throw them all over the place.   Do you know how hard it is to clean up raw eggs off of the floor and cabinets?   Do you know how much harder it is when you are in a hurry?  

His speech is really catching up to where it should be, in fact, it is probably better than it should be.   His speech therapist is amazing and has worked wonders with him.    He pretty much copies every single thing you say so you have to be careful.   I was driving the boys to daycare one day and stopped too far into the intersection.   I pulled back and said "Oh Shit"....guess what the Beast went around chanting all day long....

One morning The Beast decided that he wanted cereal for breakfeast.   I even put a little bit of milk in it because he kept saying "milk" and never seems to eat it dry.   It just ends up on the floor all over the dining room.   He is also obsessed with "forks" right now (really spoons) so I gave him a spoon.  I watched him as he figured out what to do and he was happily eating his cereal.  He looked up and smiled at me and seemed happy so I ran upstairs to use the restroom.  By the time I got back downstairs he had taken the bowl of cereal and threw it across the dining room hitting the wall and smearing milk everywhere.   We have carpet in our dining room, white carpet.   (What the hell was anyone thinking putting white carpet in a dining room?  It's the first thing going come spring)   I swear when he saw that I was upset, he laughed. 

I'm telling you, it's a good thing this kid is cute.

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