Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Yep, That Was Me

How many of you went Black Friday Shopping?   Well, I did.   My original plan was to go for 10pm when you could get the toys at Walmart.   I have three kids and buying for them gets expensive, especially when my 7 year old wants things like a Wii and a DS.   So, I joined the crazies to get the best deals. 

My husband's nephew decided that he was going to go to Best Buy to get a tv on sale.  The doors open at midnight and he thought he would go around ten pm and just get in line and get his tv.....he's nineteen so I laughed at him and told him he was crazy.  He would have to go around seven at least.  He asked if I'd go with him.   Hey, why not, it was better than sitting around doing nothing or having to take care of The Beast and other kids.   I had nothing better to do.

We brought lawn chairs and got into line.  The line was around the building about halfway so it wasn't too terrible.   It was so cold out and I was not prepared to sit out in the cold and I am still getting over being sick.  My sister in law joined us and she too is getting over a cold.  We made it about fifteen minutes before we ditched my nephew and decided to go to Walmart to start scoping out the store. 

After getting my purchases at Walmart (I got every single item on my list thank-you-very-much) we got a text from my nephew saying that he had to go to the bathroom BAD.  So, we went over there to relieve him (hee hee literally).  I got back into the line and as soon as I sat down I hear him scream
"LISA RUN".....OMG if you know me, I do not run but I didn't want to let him down so off I ran.  Well the line moved about 20 feet closer to the front of the building and I think I squeezed in a little closer.   Once he got back I felt like I should hang with him for a while since I ditched him.   Best Buy was handing out "tickets" for the item you wanted and they were about the start. 

They started handing out the tickets and after a few of the items were handed out - it happened.  Yes, I got into a fight standing in line at Best Buy.  It's not my proudest moment but it happened.  There is also no doubt in my mind that my war of words is caught on video and posted to someone's facebook or youtube account out in the wonderful world of the internet.   It was really stupid and silly but at the time I certainly thought my point was important.    Here's what happened. 

The crowd was lined up in front and on the one side of the building.  Well, as people weren't getting their item, they would stomp all pissed off to the side of the building where their car was parked and then instead of pulling around the back of the building, they would have to drive right thru the crowd.  Seriously?  How hard was it to go around the buidling?   Well, this one woman was just pissed off that she didn't get her Tv or laptop or whatever and got into her car with her driver and tried to come thru the crowd.  I had had enough by that point and I yelled "Nobody move" to the crowd so she would be forced to drive around the building.   She didn't budge, she drove right up to me and wanted me to move.  I refused.  I stood there and told her kindly that I wasn't going to move and that she was going to have to turn around.   She  yelled at me, I yelled at her and I refused to move.   Finally after a few minutes, all the idiots around me moved and she was able to get thru.  (Dumbasses...so easily intimidated)  There were these really geeky guys in front of us and they looked at my nephew and told him that his aunt was a "She-Hulk"and "A Scrapper" (we had been talking with them all night.  They thought I was 36 which is just crazy but I am getting off the topic  here).   He looked at them and said "That's why I brought her".....

Yes, that was me who got into a fight at Best Buy on Black Friday. 

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