Thursday, January 26, 2012

Still dealing with the effects of giving birth to The Beast: 2 Years Later

I went to the dermatologist today on a referral from my OB/GYN.  I was telling him I feel like my hair is thinning, especially on the top and it's embarrassing.   I have often wondered if it's because of my lack of sleep and high stress level dealing with The Beast. I had nice, wonderful, thick hair until I became pregnant with him.   After I had Jackson, I had to cut my hair shorter because I was so sick through my pregnancy but I never really experienced it thinning.

Anyway, I went in today and we sat down to chat before my exam.  He asked me why I was there and how long I've noticed it.  When I told him my story about having The Beast 2 years ago and it being a problem since then he asked about my pregnancy and delivery with him, asking if there was anything traumatic involved.  I just laughed and then told him all about my water breaking 10 weeks early, having to be airlifted 4 hours away from my family over Christmas, the nervous breakdown in the hospital and the emergency C-Section.  He is a young guy with a one year old so he was a little surprised by it all and simply said "Yeah, that will do it".   The dr told me that he could diagnose me without even taking a look but he did anyway and pulled some of my hair out and looked at it under the scope. 

What I have is called: Telogen Effluvium.  Here is a definition of what it is: In telogen effluvium sufferers, some body change or shock pushes more hairs into the telogen phase. Typically in this condition, about 30% of the hairs stop growing and go into the resting phase before falling out. So if you have telogen effluvium, you may lose an average of 300 hairs a day instead of 100.

After looking at my hair in the scope he said that only 30% of my hair is growing and 70% is resting.  Lovely hey?    The good news is it pretty much can't get any worse but the bad news is there is nothing the doctor can do to fix it.   I am lucky and I am not bald and I still have a lot of hair but this just sucks.   I want my hair back.   He said that in time it will come out of hibernation and start to grow back but he can't tell me when.  It normally takes anywhere from 6 months to 2 years after the trauma to start growing back.   The doctor said that he could tell me to use Rogaine or other washes like that but there are NO studies to prove that it actually works and the stuff he would prescribe is really expensive. 

I swear this kid is going to be the death of me. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Scary News From The Doctor

*First off, don't read this if you aren't interested in the following words:  uterus, lining, period, vagina.  Thank you*

So I have been having some female issues lately.  I have had them my entire life.  I was diagnosed with endometriosis back in 2001 but since I've been pregnant 4 times since then, it hasn't been too much of an issue.

I have been doing fine until September when everything went wonky.  I blamed it on the fact that I was sleep deprived and constantly stressed out.  Finally, a few weeks ago I was able to get into the doctor.  I still haven't established myself with a doctor since moving here so I had to wait to get in.   I went in and he ordered all sorts of tests, a full blood work up, an ultrasound and referred me to a dermatologist because some dry spots on my legs are acting up and I feel like my hair on top is thinning.  (I also just blamed that on lack of sleep and stress).  

I went in for my ultrasound this morning and followed up immediately after with my OB/GYN.   He looked at my bloodwork and there were some elevated white blood cells but everything else came back perfectly fine.  Then, he looked at my ultrasound and found some cysts which weren't a big deal but apparently the lining of my uterus has a mass of thick tissue on it.   He said that since I'm so  young, he's not really worried about it but we need to get in there and get it thinned out and have a sample taken.  I asked why he was taking a sample and he told me this:  If I were a woman who was of menopause age or older, he would be certain it was the start of cancer.   Wait, What?   He saw the look on my face and told me to not panic that more than likely it was nothing but he had to tell me that and has to do the sample to be certain.   Please nobody say "bad doctor" because he is not, he's very nice and the way he said it was reassuring but still, nobody likes to hear the C- word when they are at the doctor after having problems.   I have to have surgery and will schedule it tomorrow for the very near future before my dermatologist appointment.

The things that have me freaked out are:

-I have always had something inside of me think that I was going to have something wrong with my female parts.  Ever since I can remember.  From the time I got married I told people that we probably wouldn't have children, not because I don't like them, I honestly had a bad feeling that I couldn't have them.  Well, I was wrong so now this is making me wonder.
-Ask my family, they will back me up on this.  I am a medical freak of nature.  If something strange or against the odds will happen to someone, it is almost always me.   My mom said that from the time I was born I rarely got sick, but when I did, it was extreme.   I am that person that doesn't just get the flu, I get West Nile Virus in October or spike a fever of 105 and get pneumonia in August.  I have lost a baby in the second trimester and have had three other completely dramatic pregnancies and/or deliveries.   I have had a laparoscopy where I ended up in the hospital right after for a sever bladder and kidney infection.  Usually if something is against the odds or not likely, it happens to me.

So, that is why I am completely freaked out.   I want to google it but I'm afraid of what I will find and it will make me more of an anxiety filled mess.   On another note, I absolutely love this hospital and the doctors.  It is so nice to be back in civilization where medical care is not backwoods and results are immediate.  

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Another "Your THAT Mom" Moment Today

It's always nice to get out of the house and be around other adults when you stay at home.  Today I took the boys to ECFE (Early Childhood and Family Education) which is just a playgroup for The Beast with other children his age.   Our Early Intervention teacher and Occupational Therapist came to observe today to see how he does in a group with other kids.   We were sitting around the snack table and this other mom sitting next to us started questioning who they were and why they were here.   I told them that The Beast qualified for Early Intervention and they were here for him.   She looked at me with a blank stare and laughed.  Then she asked "Are you joking?"  When I said that no I wasn't joking she said "Oh you are really serious?" and then laughed it off. 

I'm sorry but what the hell kind of reaction is that?   I don't know for sure but I'm pretty sure she was thinking that I was that mom and I was over reacting or something.   Stupid Bitch.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

2 Year Wellness Check with The Doctor

This afternoon I took The Beast to the doctor for his 2 year wellness check.   We weren't able to get his shots today because it turns out he still has a fever but his ears were cleared up and his congestion from the bronchitis sounds better.  

Anyway, he weighed in at 27 pounds even which is the 36th percentile, was 35.3 inches tall which is in the 72nd percentile and his head circumference was 19.1 inches which was in the 44th percentile.   Overall, his growth is good.

We spoke about his milestones and he is still behind on a few things but nothing too crazy.   The fact that he qualified for both occupational and speech therapy through Early Intervention finally made the doctor take some of my concerns seriously.  On one hand I am greatful that he is taking them seriously after over a year but on the other hand, it annoys me that my concerns had to be verfied by others before he took them seriously.   He did say that it is highly unlikely that The Beast would have any form of autism because he is 1. too social and 2. his speech is too good but the Sensory Processing Disorder is a possibility.  He has referred us to a psychologist closer to Minneapolis to take him to for a formal evalution.  He said that without an "official" diagnosis, insurance won't cover anything.  To be honest, I am really torn on whether to make an appointment or not.   I hate to "label" him but if something is up, isn't it best to figure it out? 

Next, we spoke about his skin breaking out all of the time.   We did an allergy test via bloodwork a year ago and suggested we repeat it in case something shows up.   I took The Beast down to the lab for bloodwork and was nervous the entire time.  I knew this wasn't going to go well.  Normally, just for shots it takes three of us to hold him down since he seems to get some super human strength when he's upset.   When we checked in at the desk I told them that we would probably need some extra help so we waited until there was nobody left and went back.   I sat down on the chair and put The Beast on my lap and they started the process.   I was expecting the worst and a total meltdown but what I got was the polar opposite.   He sat there and as the needle was going in, he gave the tech a dirty look but then looked at me with a look that implied "I refuse to give you the satisfaction to shed a tear".   Sigh.  Once again he made me look like a complete over reacting liar and sat there perfectly still the entire time, even when they had to repoke him to find a vein.  


Monday, January 16, 2012

I've survived 2 years

I can't even believe that I am sitting here writing this.  The Beast has turned 2 years old.   It's a crazy thought because it still seems like just yesterday I was sitting in the hospital waiting for the little Beast to come out and then taking the itty bitty Beast home from the hospital.   He was so small, smaller than a Cabbage Patch Doll and he screamed a whole lot.   We joke that he came out screaming and hasn't stopped a day since.    Sometimes I feel like my life is like a sitcom with him the main character.   

Christmas was pretty uneventful this year, he still doesn't quite understand what it is all about but once he figured out how to open presents, he thought it was pretty cool.   I have to admit, I scrimped on buying for him because this is the last year that we can.   Next year, he will start to notice when he gets about 10 presents less than his siblings.  

On the day of his birthday, we pretty much did nothing.  I had to work that day and he was sick so we waited to have his party yesterday.  We had a Yo Gabba Gabba theme because that is the only thing that will make the child stop and pay attention to anything.   Sometimes I think he might be nicer to me or pay attention, heck maybe he'd acknowledge me once in awhile if I put on that stupid orange suit that DJ Lance wears.   But, orange really isn't a good color for me so I'll pass.    I want to know who created that show and what they were smoking when they thought of it.   I want some of whatever they were on.

As for his behavior, it's ok but it's certainly not getting any better.  He speaks pretty well and can usually get his point across but like a typical toddler he loves the words "No", "Mine" and "Hey".  He is hateful and stubborn as a mule but yet adorable.  

When he got up from his nap the other day he had peed through his diaper so I took his clothes off to change him.  Well, he was not very happy about that and he started hitting me and screaming "NOOOOO" so I just left him in his nasty diaper at the top of the stairs to "Scream it out".  He finally came downstairs so I wrestled him to the floor to change his diaper.   I got him dressed and cleaned up and threw his diaper in the garbage.  The Beast was so pissed off at me that he went running for the garbage and we had a fist fight because he wanted to get his nasty diaper and put it back on.   Well, I lost the fight and he grabbed it and pitched it at my head.  Nice hey?  

He still isn't sleeping through the night every night and that is just exhausting.  I can officially say that I haven't slept well in over 2 years.   It's amazing how that can wear on your mind and body, I think it's just another way for him to mess with me.   There is nothing worse than waking up out of a dead sleep to a screaming toddler wailing in the next room.  I swear when this kid screams, the house shakes, it's that loud.

As much as I complain about him, I do love him and cannot imagine our lives without him.  Happy Birthday to The Beast.