Thursday, May 12, 2011

Olivia Nicole

On Saturday my baby girl will be turning seven.   Never in my life did I think that at the age of 33 I would have a seven year old, let alone a four year old and a one year old plus be a stay at home mom.    Anyway, this blog is about Olivia so back to her.  

I know that I am a little biased but I happen to think that I have such a gorgeous, amazing little girl.   She is so wise beyond her years which can be a good and bad thing.   Olivia is a fantastic big sister who is always taking her little brother into her arms to try and calm him down when he is upset.   She tries to teach Jackson everything that she is currently learning and is so caring towards animals.

Olivia was a little more like our Beast when she was a baby.   She gave me a lot of scares while I was pregnant with her.  I had just come off of a terrible loss, we lost our first baby girl in the second triamester and got pregnant with Olivia immediately after.   When I first got the call from the nurse at the clinic about the blood test I took, I heard the words "You are pregnant but......"   The nurse said that my progesterone levels were so low that we shouldn't get our hopes up that she would make it.    But, she did, the next time I was tested, the levels were going up just the way they were supposed to.   She knew that I couldn't handle another loss and needed her as much as she needed me.  That's Olivia, she is so considerate of everyone else's feelings.    We joke that she is going to be the first female president one day because she is so politically correct all of the time and will tell you what she thinks you want to hear so she won't hurt your feelings.

My little girl also came early - about 4 weeks.   My boss at the time told me that she needed a few days off, the 11th and 12th of May so I could have my baby anytime after that (lol) and sure enough, Olivia waited until May 13th to send me into labor.    It was the finale of Survivor and I wasn't about to miss it for anything.    I told the drs not to come in until after Survivor was over, my favorite player of all time, Rupert won the America's vote for one million dollars so after that happened, they came in, broke my water and Olivia Nicole LaJoye was born at 3:26am in Rochester Hills, Michigan weighing in at 7 pounds exactly.   She was born with a temp of 104 and had fluid in her lungs so immediately she was whisked away to the NICU.  It was so scary, my first baby and I didn't even get to see her right away or hold her since she was in an oxygen bubble for the first day. 

Olivia loved her pacifier, her bottle and her "ducky" blanket, a blanket that she still uses to this day to snuggle and console her when she is sad or upset.   She had an adorable little voice and was obsessed with The Wiggles.   She would call her grandma "Manga" and her dad "Treasure" (his name is Trevor) and didn't like it when anyone called her anything other than Olivia.   If you tried to tell her she was cute, she would look at you very seriously and say "No, my name is O-wee-a A-Joy".  She was a little troublemaker too, I remember that one day when my husband was out of town I was painting and Olivia was happily playing in the other room.   I turned my back for a second and when I looked she was sitting in the paint tray playing in the paint talking to herself.   Another time, I ran to the grocery store and when I came home, her daddy had fallen asleep on the couch so I went looking for her only to find her slathering our long haired cat Delilah with Desitin.  When she saw me, she looked up and said "Butt Medicine" do you not laugh?   Poor Cat.  

She is such a fun girl to be around that she always has a ton of friends where ever she goes.  With her, moving is not a problem beause I know she will be fine.   She loves to dance and is not shy.  Currently she is into coloring and art projects.   After a year of begging her to try and ride her bike without training wheels and her refusing, the other night she picked up her bike and taught herself how to ride it and in 15 minutes was cruising up and down the sloped driveway and down the street.   She is a mini female version of my husband.  So, my baby girl is turning 7 on Saturday and the years have just flown by - I feel like it was just yesterday that I was waiting for her to come.   Happy Birthday to my Olivia!!

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