Monday, May 2, 2011

I am a bad American because I refuse to celebrate that someone died.
I am a bad Mother because my kids stress me out.
I am worthless because I am a Stay At Home Mom.
I am obnoxious because I am Outspoken.
I am unintelligent because I make Spelling Mistakes and don't debate.
I am stupid because I watch Reality Tv.
I am lazy because I am not a size 3.
I am a bad wife because I am exhausted by 5pm and all I want to do is sit on the couch in my pajamas.

I'm sure the list could go on and on.   But do you know what?  I DON'T CARE.   These are all things that I'm sure many people think about me.   I know who I am and that's all that is important. 

Last night when it was announced that Bin Laden was dead I was more concerned with the fact that they interupted Celebrity Apprentice.   Sorry but that is true.  I didn't care to see the hour of reports before the President spoke.   I am not a fan of the president, I won't pretend to be and I don't have to be, that is my right.  I have my reasons and they are MY reasons, I do not have to justify them to anyone.   Just like there were many people who were not a fan of the last president, I did not  call them stupid or bash them personally for their opinion but last night  I was personally attacked for my opinion and for expressing it.    Even worse, I was personally attacked by a family member who claimed to "care".   I would never post something on someone's facebook wall attacking them for what they think or believe just because I did not agree with them, but that's me.  I just find it disrepectful. 

I do find it funny how all of the people today who are upset that last nights news became an "Obama bashing" because those are the SAME EXACT people who were busy bashing the last president when they didn't care for him.   Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.  

Anyway, I am stupid and unintelligent so I really don't know what my point to this blog is, I guess to just get something off my chest.    I will not apologize for who I am or what I think.   You think people would respect someone who has a brain of their own and is not afraid to express themselves.   As my brother in law stated who spent time in Afganistan, "I gave most of the hearing in my left ear so that you can have and express your own opinon even if it doesn't agree with mine. I urge you to continue to speak your mind. as I will never stop speaking mine".   So, my point is, if he doesn't seem to have a problem with it, why should anyone else? 

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