Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I suck

So being the mother to a beast really takes it's toll on not only me but my other children as well.   As most of you know, we've been in Michiagn for a long weekend.  Trevor's nephew graduated from high school on Sunday so we came back late last night. 

On another note, we made the 6 hour drive and when we hit about 10 miles north of our house, we stopped for milk only to notice that my van was leaking transmission fluid everywhere.   So, I am stuck without a vehicle since I can't drive a stick, which Trevor has.  

This morning as I was frantically cleaning out Olivia's backpack so she could go outside to wait for the bus, I came across a paper saying it was "Spirit Week" at school.    Each day they are doing something different.    So, I looked and saw that Monday was "Hawaiian Day".  I hurried up and made Olivia a Haiwaiian outfit in five minutes and sent her out the door.   Halfway thru today I remembered that today is not Monday but Tuesday.   She is going to be pissed, I sent her dressed wrong today.   I suck, I am the worst mother ever but my mind is so distracted with everything going on.   I dread her coming home from school tonight because she is going to rip me a new one and frankly, I deserve it.  

Tomorrow is "Yellow" Day so I am going to run to Target tonight to get her a brand new yellow shirt to not only make it up to her but so she is dressed properly.   She owns nothing yellow because up until today she hated the color.  

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