Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Early Intervention 1

So I'm sure you all saw my blog post yesterday about being "That Mom"  because I went ahead and called Early Intervention to come in and see The Beast.   His very first appointment was this morning.    Two people came out (the person who asks the questions and a student teacher) and of course he was a giant crab a$$ all morning.   The second they walked in the door, he was happy as can be.    It never fails, this child is trying his hardest to make me look like a liar.   I swear and you can ask my husband, when nobody else is around, this child is unhappy about 75-90% of the time. 

Anyway, they interacted with Noah and asked me a ton of questions about  things he is doing and not doing.   As I suspected, he has gaping holes in some of the areas of things that he should be doing.  The two most important ones are communication; he's not talking at all and not imitating.   After an hour, they decided that he most certainly qualifies to have both a speech therapist and occupational therapist come out and do an "official" evaluation of him.    We are having an occupational therapist come out because I have had a nagging feeling about something called "Sensory Processing Disorder".  Two friends have mentioned it to me in the past and I am more than willing to explore that option.   He probably doesn't have it and that is great but this will get that nagging feeling out of the back of my brain.   When I brought it up to his pediatrician he just shrugged it away like I was warned he would.   So, after these two people come out and officially evaluate him, we will know if he qualifies for Early Intervention or not.  

Just for the record, I do not think that the Beast is stupid.  In fact, I do believe he is much smarter than he lets on.   I also think it is entirely possible that this child is stubborn and strong willed and he knows exactly what he's doing by not talking or copying us yet.    But, just on that off chance that he does need a little bit of help or has some underlying issue, I will allow anyone who wants to come and view him and see what they think.   I am not too proud to say that I am at my wits end with this child and near a breakdown.  I'm tired.  I'm high strung.  I'm crabby.  I need some help.  

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