Thursday, April 7, 2011

15 Month Dr Visit and Decisions....

Yesterday I took the Beast to the pediatrician for his 15 month wellness check.  It went pretty well and I didn't get lectured like I thought I would.  I swear in order to be a dr you have to be bi-polar.  The very things that the dr was concerned with at his 12 month appointment were no big deal at his 15 month appointment.  All that anxiety I had was for nothing.   I hate that. 

Noah weighed in at 23 pounds and 6.2 ounces which isn't bad since he started out being so little.   His length was 30 inches which is only the 10th percentile.  He is short and because he's short, he looks so fat but he's really not.   His head circumference was 18.4 which is in the 36th percentile.   He got three shots which he was not pleased about.   The nurse holding him down couldn't believe how mad he gets, that he actually holds his breath for so long when he's mad.    Oh well, he got over it.   He's a little crabby today but really what else is new right?  

The Beast is still not talking, not at all.  He doesn't say "mama" or "dada" or "baba", he doesn't even try.   Apparently at this point he should be saying at the very least three words.   He doesn't even try, I say "mama" all day long and he just looks at me like I am insane.   Don't get me wrong, he certainly isn't silent all day, he jabbers all day long, you just need a translator to figure out what language he's speaking.   He will walk up to you and jabber a big long sentance and then look at you like you are stupid when you don't understand what he's saying.   My theory is that he is just a stubborn little stinker.   When you yell at him or tell him "No", most of the time  he doesn't even bother to respond to you either.   The dr said that if he isn't saying 10 words by 18 months, he will have to take the next step which would be a hearing test and refering him on to Early Intervention.   

The dr also had a theory on his "bad behaviors".  His theory is because he was premature.  How that goes hand in hand I don't understand but it kind of works on the kids in our family.   Jackson who is my close to perfect child was on time, he didn't want to come out.   Then, there is Olivia who is a little bit like Noah but not as  bad, she was 4 weeks early.  So, maybe there is a connection, who knows.   He said to pick the top 4 behaviors that irritate me.   Then, set up a pack-n-play and put him on a "time out" everytime he does those four things.   I have chosen: Climbing up on the table/chairs, pinching, biting and turning the tv on and off.   So, after awhile of doing that, I should start at night when he wakes up.   If he won't go back to sleep without a bottle, to put him in the pack-n-play so he starts associating waking up so many times a night with bad behavior.    I really don't think this is going to help but it's worth a try.  I'm desperate at this point to get some sleep.   I keep tellling Trevor that I'm going to run away and just sleep for a weekend in a hotel or something.  

The dr didn't seem to care that he was still taking a bottle either.   Funny because he was so worried about it at his last appt.  

On another note, Jackson left a marker out on the table.  When I went upstairs to put some towels away, The Beast climbed up on the table and attacked himself with it.  So, he is now a lovely shade of teal blue.  He had it EVERYWHERE, all in his mouth, around his mouth, all over both of his hands, his face, etc.   One thing about me is that I can't stand it when kids write all over themselves.  It's that one thing that puts me over the edge.   I scrubbed him for 15 minutes and couldn't get it off so I went outside and let out a huge scream.  That felt a little better.   When he gets up from a nap I'm going to put him in the tub and wash him with baby oil and some other things people have suggested.   

There is never a dull moment with the Beast around.  Sigh

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