Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dating in the First Grade?

This morning I layed out Olivia's outfit for her.  A brand new shirt from Old Navy, jeans and socks.  Normally, she doesn't care what I pick out for her in the morning but today was different.    She came downstairs and asked me if she could wear a dress.   I told her that I wasn't sure what the weather was going to be like (we live in Minnesota so one minute it could be 71 and the next it could be -10) so she could wear her purple cheetah print dress only if she wore her pleather pants underneath.   Not my favorite outfit in the world, pleather pants, really?  but it was a dress and made her happy.    I asked her why she wanted to wear a dress and she says to me "I want to look cute for Andrew.".   Seriously?  She is 6, what does she know about wanting to look cute for a boy?    I just shrugged it off and let it go.   

While she was waiting for the bus she tells me that she heard some students talking and there is going to be a dance at school.   I told her if she wanted to go to a dance that was fine with me, just find out when it is.   She then handed asked me how to spell the word "Please".  I spelled it out for her and asked her why, she was writing on a black piece of construction paper with a white crayon.   She handed me the paper and spelled out perfectly was "Andrew, will you please go to the dance with me?".    Oh My Goodness, again REALLY??   I told her that she was not allowed to give him that because she isn't allowed to date.   Olivia doesn't like to be told what to do and doesn't like to be treated like a child and this was certainly no different.   She looks at me, puts her hands on her hips, rolls her eyes and proceeds to tell me "I can date whoever I want, I am in the first grade".

Sigh, I am SO not ready for this stuff....

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