Monday, April 4, 2011

Confessions of a Tired Mom

Ok, confession time.  I guess if I was catholic this would be my version of comfession but since I'm not and I'm just a blogger who shares EVERYTHING (probably sometimes a little too much lol), here it goes instead.   Just for the record, I am not a bad mom, a lazy person.  No need for anyone to call CPS here or anything.  

I am tired.   I don't get much sleep.   So, when it comes to doing a few of the "chores involving the kids", I tend to get a little lazy.   That and the fact that I do them over and over and they are most definately not fun.

1.  When The Beast poops in his pants, which is fairly often, I sometimes pretend that I didn't smell it or wasn't aware of it.   If I'm home alone and nobody else is here to change him, it only lasts a minute or two before the guilt washes over me and I can't let it go.   But, if I am not alone and someone else is here who is perfectly capable of changing a poopy diaper, I totally pretend that I didn't smell it.    This kid poops so much during the day that I swear I change 10-15 poopy diapers a day.  That gets old fast as you can imagine.  Just because I know him and know his personality so well, I really think he does it on purpose.  Like in the morning when he gets up and I change his diaper, I think he waits for that brand new fresh diaper to take his first poop in.   Then, it's only a few little pebbles.  He waits for me to change him again and in 15 minutes or so, he poops again...yep, just a few little pebbles.   I swear, he does this just because he can.   He is allergic to all diapers except the most expensive ones, the Huggies Naturals, so that is just another slam to us, we go thru SO many of those stupid diapers.  He also doesn't like to sit still for a second so changing him is next to impossible.  And my favorite thing about changing the Beast's diaper is usually right when I am starting to wipe or get the new one on, he grabs it and flings it all over the place sending his filth flying.   Seriously, you can see by the look in his eye he knows what he is doing and gets pleasure from making me angry.  

2. This one is somewhat along the same lines, sometimes at night when The Beast or another child wakes up in the night, I simply pretend that I am in such a deep, deep sleep that I don't hear them.  Unfortunately it NEVER works because my dear husband does the same thing and is way better at that game then I am.  He clearly has more willpower and can hold out much longer.  

3. Sometimes by 6pm I am so exhausted that the only thing I want to do is sit on the couch in my comfy clothes and veg in front of the tv.   So, bathtime doesn't sound like fun either.   When you have three kids who all want to take baths seperately, it tends to take at least an hour, especially when they want to play for awhile.  Our bathroom is upstairs so I can't just put the Beast in the water and do my own thing like I can with the other two.  But, as soon as I sit down and get involved in a show or grab a snack, the older two always pick just that moment to want to get out.   So, sometimes I let them go a day or two longer without giving them a bath.  I know, bad right?  Especially since Olivia goes to school now.   I just pray that nobody ever refers to her as "the stinky kid".....that would so be my fault.  

4. Meals.   Meal time just sucks in our house.  Each child has completely different tastes and are picky in their own way.    Olivia loves pizza and lunchables and Jack loves corndogs and hotdogs.  The Beast will eat almost anything but since he can't really feed himself in a tidy manner, that's a whole other story.    Sometimes during the day I let Jackson skip lunch.  He isn't a big eater and sometimes I have to force him to eat which usually results in a crying, screaming fit and he doesn't eat anyway.   Why bother if he's not going to eat?  He'll eat when he's hungry right?   When my dear huband is out of town, which is for a week at least every other month or so, I let the kids eat cereal for dinner.    Why should I cook a big, old  meal when I know they won't eat it.    Then, I let them eat on the counter......just because it makes them happy.   I don't mean sitting up against the counter, I mean laying down on the counter.  

Those are just some of my "Confessions"...I'm sure I have a ton more but I'm so tired I can't think of anymore.  Besides, maybe it'll be good material for another post.

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