Thursday, April 7, 2011

People Never Cease To Amaze Me

There is someone out there who is reading my blog who obviously doesn't appreciate it.  I went to post my last blog that I wrote to facebook and wasn't allowed to because I got a message from Facebook saying that it was reported as "Abusive" and is being blocked.   Really?   So, to that person who reported me to Facebook, GET A F*CKING LIFE.  How about that as abusive.   What is so bad about my blog and expressing myself that is upseting you so much.   Be a grown up and send me a personal message if you have issues or a problem with me like adults do or better yet, don't read my blog or delete me off of facebook all together. 

Nothing gets me more than fake people.   I would much rather if someone doesn't like me for them to not pretend they do.  I realize that not everyone is going to love and adore me and I'm totally ok with that.   I don't need the whole world to like me to go on with my life.    I am the type of person who if I don't like someone, they pretty much know it.   I'm not to going to be mean or rude to you unless you give me a reason, but I am not going to go out of my way to be nice to you either.  There is no point.   The world would be a much easier place if everyone stopped being so fake.   It's so much easier when you know where you stand with someone.  

Things like this are why I have trust issues.   It's obviously someone on my "friend" list who reported it.

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